
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Thought for the Day

Man is a mixture of daiva, danava and manava (god, demon and man). The wickedness of the danava nature can be overcome by daya (the quality of mercy and charity), sympathy and the feeling of fellowship; the pride of the daiva aspect can be overcome by dama (self-control), detachment, and renunciation; the egoism of the manava aspect can be overcome by following dharmaprescribed by the impartial sages who have been purified by penance, and by canalising their instincts and impulses into fruitful fields. When these three are thus sublimated, manava(man) is transformed into Madhava (God). Each one must take up this process of purification, by discovering his faults and failings and realise the road to success. If you have dayadama and dharma (sympathy, self-control and righteousness), that will take you beyond the realm of the three qualities of the mind; there is no need then for getting a Name or mantra from the Guru and repeating it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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