
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Thought for the Day

Let Me tell you - the greatest beauty aid for women is virtue! Attach importance to nishta (discipline and steadiness) and not to nashta (breakfast or food)! You can miss food but not discipline. Live a regulated disciplined life from now on; make it a habit and an armour that will protect you from harm. Pray to God and recite His name or meditate on His glory for some fixed period of time every day; you will find it amply rewarding. Don’t say, “Let me have a taste of the reward, and then I shall start the spiritual practice.” Practise, and the experience will follow; it must follow. If you desire that others honour you, you should honour them too. If others must serve you, serve them first. Love begets love; trust engenders trust. Self-aggrandizement and selfishness will bring disaster. As a matter of fact, no joy can equal the joy of serving others.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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