Chaitanya or consciousness is present in the smallest to the biggest. From your point of view, an object may appear to be inert, but from the Vedic point of view, everything is Chaitanya. It is foolish to overlook the existence of Chaitanya. One may question, if it is all-pervasive, why is it not visible to the naked eye? You are all well aware of the fact that there is butter in every drop of milk. Can you deny its existence merely because it is not visible to the naked eye? The process of obtaining butter involves curdling the milk and then churning it. People are unable to perceive this Chaitanya principle because of two defects: 1. They overlook their innumerable mistakes, and 2. Magnify the minutest mistake of others. One can attain Divinity only when one stops this. It is a great sin to search for others’ faults. Instead, look for your own. Consider your smallest defect as a great blunder and try to rectify the same.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Ram
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Ram
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