
Monday, February 11, 2019

Thought for the Day

Do puja (ritual worship) with flowers, japam (repetition) with rosaries, and so on, but only until you are prepared for higher endeavours. You must offer the Lord, not the flowers that plants grow; that will reward the plant, not you! The Lord wants you to offer the lotus that blooms in the Lake of your Heart, and the fruit that ripens on the tree of your earthly career. You may ask, "Where can I find the Lord?" Well, He has given His address, in Chapter 18, Sloka 61 of the Gita. He declares, “Ishwarassarvabhoothaanam hriddese, Arjuna, tistati - O Arjuna, the Lord resides in the heart of all beings." Now, after knowing that, how can you look down on any living being in contempt or how can you revel in hating him or indulge in the pastime of ridiculing? Remember, every individual is charged with the Divine Presence, moved by Divine attributes. Love, honour, friendliness - that is what each one deserves from you. Give these freely, in full measure! 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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