You may ride in a smart car of your own, but you are entrusting daily, without a second thought, the car, yourself and your family to the skill and presence of your chauffeur’s mind. However, when advised to entrust your affairs to the Lord, you hesitate and decline to surrender to the divine Power (Mahashakti) because of the power of illusion (mayashakti). By all means be concerned about success or failure in achieving the real purpose of your life. Yearn, yearn, yearn hard, and success is yours. Remember, you will definitely win; that is why you heard the inner call and responded to it by coming to Me. What other task have I than the showering of grace? Treat Me not as one afar but as very close to you. Insist, demand, claim grace from Me; do not praise, extol, and cringe. Bring your hearts to Me and win My Heart. Not one of you is a stranger to Me. Bring your promises to Me and I shall give you My promise. But first see that your promise is genuine and sincere, and if your heart is pure; that is enough.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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