In one of the jails, there was once a very pure soul devoted to spiritual ideals who was carefully practising spiritual discipline. He had advanced very far in meditation and concentration. However, one day when he sat for meditation, he felt very savage emotions surging up in him and was shocked to find that he could not, in spite of tremendous struggle, suppress the hateful and murderous thoughts that took hold of him. He was rocked in agony, and his guru was also upset at the turn of events. The guru probed into the history of the disciple rather deeply but could not find any valid reason for the tragedy. At last, he found that a certain fanatic murderer had acted as the cook in the jail kitchen the day previous to the calamity, and his hateful thoughts had pervaded the food he cooked. Subtle invisible thought-forms can pass from one person to another by such means.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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