
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

There is no love greater than mother’s love in this world.

There is no love greater than mother’s love in this world. It is imbued with immense power. But such a sacred principle of mother’s love is being neglected today. Mothers are being treated like servants. When parents grow old, they should be looked after with love and care. Instead they are being sent to old age homes. One who ill-treats his parents is bound to suffer a similar fate at the hands of his children. As is the feeling, so is the result (Yad bhavam tad bhavati). Whatever actions you do, they will come back to you as reaction, reflection and resound. Love your mother. Then you will be loved by all. As is the seed, so is the sapling. Hence, first and foremost, develop sacred and selfless love. Be careful to not taint your love with selfishness and self-interest. When everyone shares pure love with each other, the whole world will be filled with happiness, peace and joy. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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