Starting with self-confidence, get to self-satisfaction and then, self-sacrifice, and finally, self-realisation. The ultimate step of self-realisation begins with self-confidence as the basis. You must therefore develop confidence in your own self. Without developing self-confidence, if all the time you are thinking of some power being with someone else, when are ‘you’ going to acquire the requisite power and confidence to reach your goal? Peace and bliss are within you - they are not something external to you. You may think, going to the Himalayas will give you peace. Yes, your body may go to Himalayas; but what about your mind? If it is left behind in the city, how are you going to get peace? Similarly, you may have brought your body to Puttaparthi, but if you still have the same habits that you are used to in the past, what is the use? Body is not the essential thing. The transformation, the change should come in your mind.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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