Attachment to the body complex implies accumulation and acquisition of things that cater to its needs and greed. Accumulation promotes exploitation, it cannot win Grace. It has no limit! Can a lake be filled with a drizzle? Can live cinders be secured by burning of blades of grass? Thirst increases with each gulp. It always asks for more. Accumulation of things or scholarship or fame can yield no good, unless what is acquired is put to practical use for oneself and others. The wisdom to recognise that the body that you believe in, is in fact only an instrument wielded by you, has to dawn in you. That is the first step to the higher spiritual consciousness. How can renunciation and non-attachment result in joy, one may ask. Discard the sense of egotism while engaged in activity; discard, while experiencing any emotion or reaction, the feeling of being a partaker - then, one can be ever in joy. Then the Bhogi (enjoyer) transforms into a Yogi (spiritually advanced person).
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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