
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Unwavering faith is a sign of spiritual success

If someone says Sai Baba's powers have been given to so and so, you run to that person. Sai Baba's powers are such that they are not given to anybody else. Nobody has the ability to take powers from Sai Baba, nor the ability to give them to someone else. Sai Baba's powers are not given like that, and you should not be led astray by such statements. Each one's power is within him or her; it is not possible to give such power to another person. In this manner, by allowing a weak mind to take control over us, if we begin running from place to place, when are we going to get strength of mind, and control our own mind? We must be able to follow one thought, one path. One does not have to go around the world and spend a lot of money searching for spiritual powers. Be in your own house, develop it in yourself, such spiritual power is in you! You don't have to run for it here and there. God is not external, God is not outside you - God is inside you. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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