
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Nature is the best preacher; Life is the best teacher

You must be guarded against pride that infects scholars who mastered a certain number of scriptures. Do not judge others as inferior, because they do not participate in bhajans, or study circles. You can be very wrong if you estimate a person's spiritual development by mere externals. Inner purity cannot express itself through pompous show. Only He who sees into every heart knows who resides therein: Rama or Kama (God or selfish desire). Study sincerely with faith and devotion. Unless you earnestly inquire, you cannot discover the remedy applicable to your temperament and its problems. Delve into the significance and the meaning of what you read, and always have before you the goal of putting what you read into practice. The whole Universe is a university for you. You can imbibe wisdom from the sky, clouds, mountains, rivers, the daily phenomena of sunrise and sunset, seasons, birds, trees, flowers, insects and in fact, all beings and things in nature.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sa Baba

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