
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Thought for the Day

The body is a precious gift that must be carefully tended and fostered. It’s a very complicated but well coordinated machine, gifted for achieving a laudable task. Its exterior too must be clean and full of goodness and charm. The skin of the fruit of Ananda (divine bliss) is the physical body; the succulent flesh is the muscle, bone and nerve; the hard inedible seed is the evil that gets presented in life; and the juice which the fruit offers, for which the tree was planted and nourished, is the bliss it shares with all. The body will shine if the character is fine; service of man and worship of God will preserve its charm. The Lord will be watching with a thousand eyes the least activity of man to discover any small portion of selfless love sweetening it. Having known that you are embodiments of the Divine Atma, crave to win the Grace of the Lord in this very birth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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