
Saturday, August 10, 2019

When duties are discharged properly, rights will be secured of their own accord.

The temptation to ignore Dharma grows from egoism; the wish to satisfy a lower desire is the root-cause of Adharma(unrighteousness). This wish takes hold of you slyly and silently like a thief in the night, or like a comrade come to save you, or like a servant come to attend on you, or like a counsellor to warn you. Oh, wickedness has a thousand tricks to capture your heart. Be ever alert against this kind of temptation. The wish makes a chink in your consciousness, enters and establishes itself, multiplies and eats into the personality you built up with laborious care over years. It then captures the fort of your heart and you are no longer in control; you become a puppet manipulated by your own inner enemies. Whenever you try to rebuild yourself, they penetrate the structure and you will need to start again from ground zero! So be alert to resist the first temptation to ignore Dharma!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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