Your nature is revealed by your acts, gestures, looks, speech, food habits, dress and gait. Therefore pay attention to ensure that your speech, movements, thoughts, behaviour are all right — full of love, pure (satwic), and devoid of wildness and waywardness. Eating food is a holy ritual (yajna). It should not be performed during moments of anxiety or emotional tension. Food must be considered as medicine for the illness of hunger and as the sustenance of life. You must develop the humility to believe that you have much good to learn from others. Your enthusiasm, your strong ambition, your resolution, your capacity to work, your store of knowledge, your wisdom — these have to be related to all others and not utilised for you alone. Your heart should take all others in. Your thoughts too should be patterned on broad lines. Treat each trouble you encounter as a fortunate opportunity to develop your strength of mind and to toughen you with greater strength.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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