The union in yoga is between dharma (righteousness) and Divinity. The more such evils as lust and anger breed in a person, the greater the diminution of the divinity. That is to say, faith in the Atma will decline fast, as the evils develop. Faith is all important, faith in one’s reality being the Atma — that is the real spiritual knowledge (vidya). When lust, anger, etc., diminish and disappear, faith in the Atma and in the rightness of spiritual inquiry will grow and get confirmed. Non-attachment is the very foundation for attaining awareness of Brahman (Brahma-jnana), the Universal Absolute. Even for a small structure, the foundation has to be stable and strong, or else it will pretty soon fall as a heap. When a garland has to be made, we need a string, a needle and flowers, don’t we? So too, when spiritual wisdom has to be won, devotion (the string), non-attachment (the needle), and steady single-pointedness (flowers) are essential.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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