
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Fear is nothing but a bundle of negative thoughts. Counter it with positive thoughts.

First of all, you should make an attempt to make good use of the mental and physical strengths that have been given to you. When you are so lazy as not to use them, what are you going to do with divine strengths? Suppose that you have been given food and drink by the divine grace and strength of the Lord. Because God has given you enough food on your plate, for you to think that God has to also help you in transferring this food to your stomach is a very lazy idea. For taking the food to your stomach, God has given you hands, a palate and a mouth. You should make good use of them. That we may learn to make good use of our mental and physical strengths and other organs, God comes in human form; He demonstrates how these may be used. The essential quality of an Avatar is to teach you how to make good and proper use of your thought, word, and deed.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Bab

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