
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The best spiritual discipline is to strengthen your inward vision.

Constant recollection of the glory and majesty of God, who is the Indweller, through the instrumentality of the Name, helps to purify the heart. That is the B12 vitamin that promotes spiritual health. There is no need for any other tablet. Life is a pilgrimage where one drags the feet along the rough and thorny road. With the Name of God on the lips, one will have no thirst; with the Form of God in the heart, one will feel no exhaustion. The company of the holy will inspire one to travel in hope and faith. The assurance that God is within all, that He is ever near, will lend strength to the limbs and courage to the eye. Remember that with every step, you are nearing God; and God too takes ten steps towards you. There is no stopping place in this pilgrimage; it is one continuous journey, through day and night, through valley and desert, through tears and smiles, through death and birth, and through tomb and womb.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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