
Friday, December 25, 2020

Thought for the Day

Embodiments of Love! Eschew bad qualities like hatred and envy. See that your love for God does not fluctuate according to whether your wishes are fulfilled or not. Remember that you reap the fruits of your actions, according to whether they are good or bad. Love of God alone can confer enduring bliss. Many in the world acquire wealth, fame and position. But what have they achieved in terms of the goal of life? Their failure is due to lack of understanding of the unity that underlies the apparent diversity. It is a mark of spiritual goodness to recognise the divine in everyone. Prahlada declared that you can find God wherever you seek Him. His father, Hiranyakasipu, was a great person because of his attainments. But he failed to achieve goodness because of his denial of the Divine. The lesson for students today is that they should follow the sacred path of righteousness. They should work for the welfare of society.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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