
Friday, December 25, 2020

Parents have the primary responsibility to mould the character of children. Too much freedom should not be given out of excessive affection.

Children are fresh charming saplings. With care and love, they can be made to blossom into ideal citizens of this land who can understand and practise the great disciplines laid down by the sages for their liberation, through self-realisation. The parents must bear a major share of the responsibility for the proper upbringing of children. The earliest years of life are the most crucial. The skills, attitudes, emotions, and the impulses that make or mar the future are built into the foundation of life in those years. Parents can help or hinder in the process of making that foundation strong and straight. But parents have no equipment now for this basic role. They have no faith in their own ancient culture; they themselves have no mental peace or sadhana which the children can imbibe from them. Children must grow up in homes, where their parents honour their parents, and are happy only when they serve their elders. This must be taught to them by example, rather than by precept!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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