
Saturday, February 17, 2024

How can we accomplish the profound act of surrender, with a simple practice?

 Repeat Soham (I am He), with every breath: 'So' when you take in and 'ham', when you exhale, 'So' means ‘He’ and 'ham,' means ‘I’ and when you complete the inhalation and exhalations, feel that 'So', namely, the Lord, and 'ham', namely, 'I' i.e., (you) are One! Later, after long practice, the idea of He and I as two separate entities will disappear and there will be no more So and ham. Those sounds will be reduced to O and M, it will be Om or Pranava. Repeat that sound afterwards with every breath and that will save you from bondage to birth and death, for it is the Pranavopasana (contemplation on Pranava) recommended in Vedas. This Soham recitation is a good means of restraining the mind from running away. Let the mind be ever attached to the Lord; then, it will not flee towards all directions. That is the meaning of Krishna’s exhortation: Sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam sharanam vraja - Giving up all other activities, surrender fully to Me. 

 Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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