
Saturday, February 17, 2024

What is the nature of pure love and what must we do to cultivate it?

Narada declared: "Love is beyond the scope of words." How can an ordinary man, living in this phenomenal world, understand such love? This love is an expression of Divinity. Like the mariner's compass, it always points to the Divine wherever it may be present. As oil makes a lamp burn, love illumines life itself. What is termed love in ordinary worldly life is not real love at all. It is only one or the other form of attachment based on human relationships in the family or in society. True love is pure, selfless, free from pride, and full of bliss. Such love can be got only through love. All worldly attachments are not real love at all. They are transient. The everlasting, pure love arises from the heart. In fact, it is ever-existing and all-pervading. How is it that man is unable to recognise such all-pervading love? It is because man's heart today has become barren and polluted. The heart is filled with all kinds of desires and there is no room in it for pure, unsullied love to enter. It is only when the worldly attachments are expelled from the heart that there will be room for real love to abide in it and grow.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri sathya Sai Baba

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