
Saturday, February 17, 2024

What is true love and how is it different from what we normally practice

 Selfish Love (Svartha-Prema) is like a lamp kept in a room. The lamp illumines only the room. This selfish love is confined to limited people and doesn’t extend to others. Samanjasa-Prema is like light from the moon. This moonlight is visible both outside and inside. The light is dim and not very effulgent. This kind of love extends to a wider group but is not very intense. Third is Parartha-Prema. It is like sunlight. It illumines both inside and outside with brilliance. But it’s not continuous such that the sun is not visible at night. But it is also not a permanent absence, because the sun rises again. Likewise, this selfless love may appear to be absent sometimes, but will appear again! The fourth one is Yatartha-Prema or Atma-Prema. This love is present always, inside and outside, in all places and at all times, in all circumstances. This is Divine Love. It is imperishable. It is eternal. It is immanent in everyone. When this love is manifested by a person, he achieves the peace that passeth understanding.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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