A curious paradox is now gaining force in this land: it is fraught with dire consequences. Though the world has become a very small globe, as a result of fast means of communication and transport, man has not yet learnt the art of living together in close proximity, as brothers, as children of the One God. The closer men are brought, the larger the differences appear! Thus, the little world is now riddled with problems of conflicting cultures, competing creeds and contesting ambitions. The sorrows of one state spread fast into all its neighbours and infect the whole world. The world has become one vast battlefield. When infectious diseases leap over boundaries, and slay men without distinction, immediate steps are taken to control the havoc and relief is despatched in haste to the scene of disaster. But, the infection of greed and hate cannot be held in check so quickly by any Government. Let us try to answer the question - "What kind of Government is the best?" The answer is: "That Government is best, which helps us to govern ourselves." Make your Conscience the ruler, do not depend on the external ruler.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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