
Sunday, June 23, 2024

If you honour your father, the Father of all beings will guard you.

 Love is transformed into poison if hate contaminates it. Love some, but do not hate the rest, for that hate will foul the love and make it mortal. Love comes automatically to the realised soul; but, the spiritual aspirant has to cultivate it by means of service and inquiry into the unity of the Athman. Love must flow not from the tongue, or from the head only, but chiefly from the heart. You get the marks that your answers at the examination deserve, not more, not less. Sometimes, if you secure only 5 or 6 out of a total of 100, even the 5 or 6 may be cancelled and you will be assigned just a zero. For, there is not much to choose between zero and the 5 or 6 you were able to collect. But, if you get a number very near the minimum needed for a pass, the 2 or 3 that you fall short of will be added on as grace marks and you are very likely to be promoted. This is true of sadhana also. Poor progress in it is as bad as failure, whereas good progress will be appreciated and grace will pull you through.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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