Asuras (demons) have another name in Samskrit - Naktanchara, one who moves in the dark. This is a fair description of their pathetic condition. They have no light to guide them; they don’t recognise they are in the dark; they don’t call out for light; they are unaware of light. Their intellect has become the bondslave of their passions and their senses, instead of establishing itself as their master. When at last, truth appears before them and overwhelms them, they recognise the One and merge happily in it. The lamp is not merely a symbol of knowledge of Truth. It is also the symbol of the One, the Atma that shines in and through all this multiplicity. Just as with one lamp, a thousand lamps can be lit and the One is as bright as ever despite thousands deriving light from it, so too, the Atma (soul-spirit) illumines the jiva (individual self) and shines in and through them, without undergoing any diminution in its splendour.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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