Sai's wealth is pure, selfless and boundless Love. This is the truth. It is not the edifices you see that are Sai's wealth. It is pure, selfless Love alone. You must inherit this Love, fill yourselves with it and offer it to the world. This is your supreme responsibility as Sai devotees. What is it that you can offer to the Lord who is omnipotent, omnipresent and all-knowing? The various things you offer to God are given out of delusion. Can the Lord who permeates the Universe be confined in a temple? To One who has the effulgence of a billion suns, what lamp can you light? His truth is beyond the comprehension of Brahma and Hara. How can others comprehend Him? What name can be given to One who is all things? What food can you offer to One who holds the cosmos in His stomach? You become devoted for your own sake. Whatever the name or form in which you worship the Lord, He will respond. He is the provider of everything, who fulfils every wish. Whether the devotee is one in distress or craving for some object, or a seeker or a Jnani, God responds according to the measure of his devotion.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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