
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

What is the secret to enduring peace and bliss?

 There is nothing greater than pure love. You have all been drawn to Me by this love. To give love and to receive love is My business. No income-tax officer knows the extent of ‘income’ derived from this ‘business’. There is no limit to My Ananda (Divine Bliss). I am always immersed in bliss. This is because My bliss is associated with love and not any material objects. If you follow this path, you will also derive ineffable bliss. You will realise peace of every kind. Look with an equal mind on good fortune and misfortune, on happiness and sorrow, loss and gain. These are products of nature like heat and cold, summer and winter. They have their purposes to serve. Similarly, the ups and downs of life have lessons to teach us. In fact, without reverses in life, we will not experience Divinity. Without darkness, we don’t value light. Without experiencing difficulties, we will not enjoy benefits. It is a lack of peace of mind which compels us to seek the means to realise enduring peace. Upanishads declare that through renunciation alone is immortality to be attained. Learn to practise renunciation and discover the secret of enduring peace and bliss!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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