
Friday, December 16, 2016

Thought for the Day

Remember, if you pray to God with a pure heart, God will use someone to respond to your prayer. It is indeed small-mindedness to ask questions such as, “Where is God”, “How will He help me?” and so on. By raising such inappropriate questions, only our faith is weakened. That is the reason, the great sage Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa said, “If you want to pray to God sincerely, you must be like an innocent child.” Lord Jesus also gave the same message. He used to say: "Even if I am like a child for even a brief moment of the day, how pure can I become!" It is such innocence and purity that we must possess in our hearts. There is no use in preaching to others, if your own thoughts and conduct have not changed. Engage yourself in Sadhana to cleanse your heart and mind to fill them with pure thoughts and loving feelings.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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