
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Thought for the Day

It is not enough if your home budget is balanced; you must learn the art of having a balanced view of life, which will not be affected by triumphs and troubles, gains or losses, victory or defeat. This balance can be got only by reliance on God and faith in the indwelling God. You must learn to steer clear of hatred, malice, greed, anger, anxiety, pride and other obstacles that come in the way of your inner peace. Education must render you a monarch of your talents and your tools for acquiring knowledge. The eye, the ear, the tongue, etc. are like wild horses that have no bridle between the teeth; learn the art of meditation (dhyana) through which the senses can be controlled and the will directed inwards towards the mastery of feelings and emotions. You must heed one discipline - controlling of your senses; if you give them free rein, they will drag you into calamity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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