
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Thought for the Day

The centre of every home must be the shrine room; the fragrance of flower and incense emanating from there must pervade the home and purify it. The mother must set the example in making the shrine the heart of the household. She must enforce discipline over the children in personal cleanliness, in humility and hospitality, in good manners and acts of service. She must persuade the children by example and precept to revere elders and to allot some time both in the morning and evening for prayer, and silent meditation. The shrine room must be clean and consecrated; special festival days should be observed, so that their significance will impress the young minds. However self-centred and haughty the husband is, by systematic regulation of the domestic time-table with worship of God as its focal point, he will soon realise how a God-centered home is a home of peace and joy. He too will follow soon and be a pillar of faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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