
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Thought for the Day

Many educated women are converting their homes into a hotel, with cook, gardener and maids, who clutter the home! She makes herself a scintillating doll, darting in and through the rooms and is often a millstone round the husband’s neck, whom she leads about and lords over, to his discomfiture. She engages herself in spending money, shopping for wayward fancy things and idles away time in lazy lounging and medicating herself for imaginary illness. Beware! Mothers must look after their children during their early years; if the child is handed over to servants, they will learn their habits of living and speech, and will weep only when they die, not when the mother dies! For, the child starts loving the maid more than the mother who takes care of them! The mother must herself prepare food at home; for, food prepared with love and served with a smile is much more sustaining and strengthening than food purchased from elsewhere!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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