
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Thought for the Day

Like a lighted lamp, God’s grace spreads all around on everyone who approaches Him and loves to be near Him; but if you interpose a shade which shuts out the light from you, you only have yourself to blame if grace does not shine. Open the doors of your heart, so that Sun may shine through, disinfect the vices therein and illumine its corners. You must initiate that little effort, at least. The Sun will not open your doors and enter. To get the correct programme and enjoy, you must switch on and tune the receiver. That effort cannot be dispensed with. Believe, Strive, Succeed - this is the essence of the scriptures. God is immanent in the Universe. He is the core of every being, as butter is in every drop of the milk. You can see Him, provided you curdle this Universe with viveka (discrimination), churn it with vairagya (detachment) and collect it with sraddha (earnestness).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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