
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Be duty conscious. Your efforts yield very good results, and work sincerely. Sanctify your life by performing righteous actions.

You must discharge duties ordained on you by God and sanctify time. Whatever actions we perform are the reflections of our inner thoughts and feelings. Hence, undertake such actions that provide happiness to you and everyone. Due to the effect of Kali age, people do not work hard. Both educated and uneducated have become lethargic. Today people prefer to lead an easy life. Even students want to pass examinations without putting much effort. People want to secure jobs without working hard. After securing jobs, they want salaries without discharging their duties adequately. This type of attitude is not good. It is said, kashte phali - hard work yields rich rewards. The rewards that you get will be commensurate with the efforts you put in. Be duty conscious. Offer salutations to the action (tasmai namah karmane) so that your efforts yield very good results, and work sincerely. Sanctify your life by performing righteous actions.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sathaya Sai Baba

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