
Monday, April 8, 2019

Real peace of mind has no ups and downs; it cannot be partial in adversity and whole in prosperity.

The antics of the mind are very surprising! Without any distinct form or shape it assumes the shape and form of the thing it is involved in. It is its nature to wander from wish to wish and one desire to another. Therefore it causes loss and grief, elation and depression. Its effects are both positive and negative. Hence understand the characteristics of the mind, and learn ways to master it for your ultimate benefit. The mind is prone to gather experiences and store them in the memory. It does not know the art of giving up. As a consequence, grief, anxiety and misery continue simmering in it. Most of you engage in bhajan, worship and meditation. Ask yourself: Does your heart pour forth or vibrate in sadhanasincerely? Do you endeavor to sublimate small sadhana through higher and nobler purpose? If not, these activities will remain as mere physical exercises! If you teach your mind sacrifice (tyaga), you can become spiritually serene! 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya 

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