
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Pure Love is the key to open the doors locked by egoism and greed.

In the pursuit of the good and godly life, one may encounter many difficulties and disturbances. Those who hate others will ultimately be consumed by their own hatred. Many doubts and questions crop up. It is only when all difficulties are faced squarely and the troubles are borne with patience and fortitude that we can understand the true nature of Reality. The transforming power of Love is boundless. St. Paul, who was originally an inveterate critic of Jesus, was transformed by Christ's love into the greatest apostle of Jesus. Pure Love will never submit to the forces of envy or hatred however powerful they may be. Selfless Love will prevail over them for sure. You should not allow yourselves to be overwhelmed in any way by difficulties and sorrows, doubts and disappointments. You must have faith. Have confidence in yourself and strive to understand well the nature of God's love. To secure that love is the sacred goal of human life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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