
Friday, April 26, 2019

Just as fire is needed until rice is cooked, spiritual practices are essential until you realize your innate divinity.

Food is the medicine for the illness of hunger; water, for thirst; for the disease of Birth-Death-Cycle (bhava-roga), Bhagawan is the medicine. for the disease of desire, Jnana is the specific. For the disease of doubt, despair and hesitation, which are the occupational diseases of spiritual aspirants, the most effective remedy isparopakara (doing good to others). For the major infection ofashanti (anxiety and restlessness), the course of treatment is bhajan. It is to provide these remedies to the sufferers that the organisation has to dedicate itself. The organisations must be such that members find them congenial places to deepen their Sadhana, to cultivate their virtues and to overcome their ego, by contact with workers who are free from the least trace of that deadly poison. If this is achieved, their success is certain.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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