
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Good Character is built through the constant practice of good actions.

The root cause of all anxieties and calamities of humanity is envy. In Bhagavad Gita Krishna warns, “Arjuna! You must be envy-less. Don’t get infected by envy.” Envy is invariably accompanied by hatred. These are twin villains like poisonous pests. They attack the very roots of one’s personality. A tree may be resplendent with flowers and fruits. But when the inimical worms set to work on the roots, imagine what happens to its splendour! Even as we look on admiringly at the tree’s beauty, its flowers fade, fruits fall off, and its leaves turn yellow and are scattered by the wind. At last, the tree dries up, it dies and falls! So too, when envy and hatred infect the heart and set to work, however intelligent and however highly educated one is, one falls! Hence learn to be happy and filled with joy when others are acclaimed as good and are respected for their virtues and ideals they hold dear!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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