
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

When your mind is filled with good thoughts, such as truth, love, forbearance and compassion, your life will be filled with peace and serenity

Mere spinning like a top, until you can spin no longer, and then falling helpless and inert, is dreary devastating existence. The top has no faith in itself; it has to be handled and twirled by another. Be self-confident, that is to say, have confidence in your Self. For, that Self is divine; it has in it all the strength, all the sweetness of the Atman, which is but a wave of the ocean of Paramatman (Supreme Reality). In order to ensure happiness and peace, administrators contrive five-year plans, and build bridges, dams, factories and schools. But without the cleansing of the spirit, the strengthening of detachment, the promotion of compassion and kinship, economic progress promotes only hatred, faction and envy. Self-confidence, self-control and self-knowledge - these alone can lead man to peace and joy.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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