
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Thought for the Day

No enemy can be so insidious as jealousy. It is a deadly virus. When one sees another more powerful, more knowledgeable, or with greater reputation, more wealth or more beauty, or even wearing better clothing, one is afflicted with jealousy. You may find it difficult to acknowledge and accept the situation. The mind seeks means to demean them and lower them in the estimation of people. This will pollute your character. Such propensities and evil tendencies should never strike root in the minds of pious and virtuous. Be ever vigilant that “envy-demon” does not possess you. Envy destroys all that is precious in you; it ruins your health and damages your digestive system. It even robs you of sleep, saps your physical and mental stamina and reduces you to the state of chronic consumptives! Hence, be happy and joyful when others are acclaimed as good and are respected for virtues and ideals they hold dear. Cultivate broad outlook and pure motives only.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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