
Monday, November 12, 2018

Thought for the Day

Some say that since this is Kali yuga, falsehood alone can succeed. But in spite of all appearances, honesty is still the best policy. One lie must be buttressed by a hundred others; whereas being truthful is easy, safe and simple. It is a hard job to maintain a false stand and so, it is always safe to be straight and honest. Do not take the first false step and then be led, on and on, to perdition. Truth is one's real nature and when you are yourself, there comes a great flood of joy welling up within you. When you deny and deceive yourself, shame darkens your mind and breeds fear. You take the path of falsehood because of the rajasik(passionate) qualities of lust, greed, hate and pride. Contentment, humility, and detachment - these keep you on the path of Truth. Truth will always triumph; do not doubt that in the least.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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