Every single thing has its Dharma. Water has as its Dharma, the nature and obligation to move. Fire, the Dharma to burn and consume. And the magnet, to attract and draw unto itself. Every one of these is keeping up its Dharma unchanged, including the Solar system and the stars of the firmament. Among the things endowed with Consciousness or Chaithanya - the plants and trees, the insects and the birds, born out of eggs or the mammals - all have managed to treasure their specific Dharmas unaffected through the passage of time. But the human being, whose intelligence sweeps from the inert and the infinitesimal to the Super-conscious and the Universal, is the only living thing that has slipped, and is sliding down. The experience of many generations of seekers, who sought the means of contentment and joy, embodied in the precepts of practical living collectively called Shaastras is neglected, and new-fangled nostrums are recommended and tried on a vast scale.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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