
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thought for the Day

Man constantly strives in various ways to elevate his status and condition. As he succeeds in one effort, he seeks success in another, and so it goes on. But, what is the hallmark of a true human being? Human life is bound up with gains and losses, ups and downs. One has to face them. Only the one who overcomes these challenges with fortitude is a true human being. What is the reason for the vicissitudes in life? The cause is to be found in one's desires. It is beyond doubt that desires are inescapable. For instance, one seeks to achieve some ideals. Another may seek to do well in studies and secure a good job. Yet another may desire to acquire a good name and bring up a good family. There is nothing wrong in such desires. But what we are witnessing in the Kali Age is the limitless growth of desires. As a consequence, people fall into bad ways. There should be limits to every desire. There should be a limit even to the pursuit of power and position.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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