
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Just as wholesome food gives health and strength to the body, prayer purifies the mind and strengthens the spirit.

Ardent seekers have sought keys to all knowledge, the one thing that, if known, all else is known, that is latent in every atom of the Universe. They described it as something that is beyond words, beyond the ken of human imagination and understanding. It is best, they have themselves admitted, that God is pictured in the human form, so that man can easily comprehend Him and approach Him and derive bliss out of that contemplation. Man can conceive only human qualities and human attainments, though he can multiply them to the maximum and allow the resultant quantum to fill and overflow his heart. Release the twin doors of lust and anger, and remove the bolt of greed, then, you can enter the sacred precincts of Moksha (Liberation)! Greed is the monstrous evil that drags man down. Greed arises from attachment to the senses and catering to them. Put the senses in their proper place; they are windows for knowledge, not channels of contamination.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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