We do not get all that we ask for. What is the reason? Has God no compassion? The child is sick but it asks for many varieties of sweets which the mother refuses to give. Does it mean that she hates the child? Or is she hard-hearted? Has she lost her affection? The refusal is itself a sign of compassion. For, each person is an invalid, suffering from recurrent birth and death. Granting whatever is asked can only lengthen suffering. Hence arises withholding and the denial. And, you too do not ask for the indispensable! You do not pray for the peace that knows no break. If you do, the boon will be granted! God will respond when the call arises from the heart. I know you knock at the door. But, at which door? Keeping the door of your own heart closed, how can your clamour succeed in getting the other door opened? Knock at the door of your own heart. God, the Resident, will come into view.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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