
Monday, August 10, 2020

Everyone should cultivate a spirit of sacrifice that grows with you, as you grow older.

The day becomes holy only when you sanctify it by Sadhana (Spiritual Practices), not otherwise. Sadhana can grow only in a field fertilised by Love. Selfless Love or Prema is the prerequisite for devotion to God (bhakti). The desire and deep love you have today towards material objects, name, fame, spouse and children, should be sanctified and be subsumed by a more overpowering force - Love for God. Add two spoons of water to two litres of milk, the water too will be appreciated as milk! At present your Sadhana can be described only as mixing two litres of water with two spoons of milk! Have the Love of God filling and thrilling your heart; then, you cannot hate any one, you cannot indulge in unhealthy rivalries, and you will not find fault with anyone. Your life will become soft, sweet and smooth!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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