
Monday, August 10, 2020

Thought for the Day

There is a vast difference between India now and five centuries ago, in the field of sense-control. Today, senses are allowed free play; people are slaves to greed, lust and egoism. The fault lies entirely with parents and elders. When children take to spirituality, many people scorn them and warn as a sign of insanity! Many still believe religion is a pursuit for old people, not youth! If only you encourage children in this, they can equip themselves better for the battle of life! In the newspapers you read of great success stories, but they are all material! Each one must fight the battle against temptations of the senses, conquer inner foes, and learn to triumph over their ego. This is the real victory which truly deserves congratulations! That is what I referred to as Swarajya (Self-rule). All of you must practice and advise your children: "Be convinced that there is God, guiding and guarding us. Remember Him with gratitude. Pray to Him to render you pure. Love all; serve all. Join good company".

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai  Baba

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