
Monday, August 10, 2020

Thought for the Day

There is only one Masculine (Purusha) in creation; all the rest are feminine (stri). There is no fool too; that is only a role played by that particular manifestation of the embodiment of spiritual knowledge, i.e. the Supreme Self (Paramatma). Remember this and do not tarry on your journey to God. You fill up the petrol tank with fuel for the journey that lies ahead, don’t you? If you were to keep the car in the garage, do you go and fill the tank everyday? Well, your body is also fed with fuel so that it may go on a journey: the inner journey to God. That journey is through good karma, pure activities offering its results to God (nishkama karma). Carefully discriminate and perform duties related to the body with the goal that the exertion of the body must be to liberate the soul imprisoned therein! Remember, not all raindrops that fall from the sky manage to reach the sea. Only those that flow into a flowing river attain the goal, for even though all drops come from the sea, only few yearn to return to the source!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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