
Monday, August 10, 2020

Tame your mind to serve the intellect, and not become a slave of your senses. It must discriminate and detach itself from the body.

 The Lord has endowed you with all his wealth and divine potentialities. You are inheritors of this wealth. You have to discover what that wealth is. Sai's wealth is pure, selfless and boundless Love. This is the truth. It is not the edifices you see here that are Sai's wealth. It is pure, selfless love alone. You must inherit this love, fill yourselves with it and offer it to the world. This is your supreme responsibility as Sai devotees. What is it that you can offer to the Lord who is omnipotent, omnipresent and all-knowing? The various things you offer to God are given out of delusion. Embodiments of the Divine! To realise the Lord, Love is the easiest path. Just as you can see the moon only with the light of the moon, God, who is the Embodiment of Love, can be reached through Love. Regard Love as your life breath. Love was the first quality to emerge in the process of creation. All other qualities came after it. Therefore, fill your hearts with love and base your life on it!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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