
Monday, October 28, 2024

காசி யாத்திரை 6 மற்றும் 7ம் நாள்

 14.09.24 மற்றும் 15.09.24

அயோத்தியில் இருந்து அன்று இரவு காசி அடைந்து விமானம் மூலம் சென்னை செல்ல வேண்டி இருந்ததால் காலையில் எழுந்து நேராக சரயு நதிக்கு சென்று தீர்த்தம் தெளித்துக் கொண்டோம். பின்னர் அங்கிருந்து நேராக அனுமன் கோவிலுக்கு சென்றால் அங்கு சனிக்கிழமை என்பதால் கூட்டம் அதிகமாக இருந்தது.. தரிசனம் செய்ய நின்றோம் என்றால் ராமர் கோவில் செல்ல நேரமாகிவிடும். கோவில் கோபுரத்தின் டிவி திரையில் காண்பித்த அனுமனின் தரிசனம் பெற்று ராமர் கோவில் அடைந்தோம். வீல் சேர் ஆள் ஒன்றுக்கு ரூபாய் 150- கட்டணம் செலுத்தி சிறப்பு வழியாக சென்றோம். வீல் சேருடன் உதவிக்கு ஒருவர் வீதமாக அனுமதி என்பதால் நானும் வீல்சேர் பயன்படுத்தி சன்னதி அடைந்தேன். நல்ல தரிசனம்.  இந்த வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்க பெற்றது பெரும் பாக்கியம். அனைவருக்கும் இந்த பாக்யம் கிடைக்க வேண்டும் என்று பிரார்த்தித்து வந்த பிறகு, தெரு ஓர கடையில் ஷாப்பிங் செய்தோம்.  இந்த அவசர கோலத்தில் ராமர் கோவில் முழு கோபுர தரிசனம் காண இயலவில்லையோ அல்லது தவறவிட்டோமோ? ஆண்டவன் விட்ட வழி.. என்ன செய்ய முடியும். புத்த கயா, கயா மற்றும் அயோத்தியில் காசியை விட பிச்சைக்காரர்கள் அதிகமாக இருந்தனர். அதிலும் பிச்சைக்கார சிறார்கள் அதிகம் தென்பட்டனர்.  நான் கடவுள் திரைப்படத்தை நினைவூட்டியது. நான் ஒரு பிச்சைப் பாத்திரம் ஏந்தி வந்தேன் என்ற பாடலும் குணா படப் பாடலும் ஏனோ வாய் முனுமுனுத்தது. பின்னர் விடுதிக்கு சென்று காலை உணவு அருந்திவிட்டு விடுதிக்கு முன் போட்டோ எடுத்துக் கொண்டு பதினோரு மணி வாக்கில் வேன் மூலம் காசி விமான நிலையம் நோக்கி புறப்பட்டோம்.  வழியில் பதல்பூர் என்ற ஊரின் மோட்டலில் மதிய உணவு அருந்திவிட்டு,இரவு‌ உணவாக இட்லி,சட்னி மற்றும் சாம்பார் தயார் செய்யச் சொல்லி பார்சல் வாங்கி கொண்டு 6.30 மணி அளவில் காசி விமான நிலையம் அடைந்தோம். அங்கு வழிகாட்டி மற்றும் வேன் டிரைவருடன் குரூப் போட்டோ எடுத்து கொண்டோம். போர்டிங் பாஸ் பெறுவதற்கு முன்னர் அனைவரும் இட்லி அருந்திவிட்டு பின்னர் செக் இன் செய்து விமானத்திற்காக காத்துக் கொண்டு இருந்தோம். இரவு விமானம் வர தாமதமானது.  பின்னர் விமானம் ஏறி சென்னை சென்றடைந்தால் என்னுடைய லக்கேஜ் ஒன்று கிடைக்க பெறாமல் போய்விட்டது.அதனை உரிய நபரிடம் தெரிவித்து புகார் படிவம் கொடுத்து விட்டு வெளியே வந்து டாக்ஸி பிடித்து எக்மோர் இரயில் நிலையம் அடைய இரண்டு மணி ஆகிவிட்டது. எக்மோர் இரயில் நிலையத்தில் வெயிட்டிங் ஹாலில் அமர்ந்து 5.15 மணி அளவில் தேஜஸ் விரைவு வண்டியில் ஏறி அமர்ந்தோம். சரியாக காலை ஆறு மணிக்கு கிளம்பிய வண்டி 12 மணி அளவில் மதுரை வந்தடைந்தோம். உத்தரப் பிரதேசம் மற்றும் பீகாரை விட வெயிலின் தாக்கம் மதுரையில் அதிகம் இருந்தது.கிட்டத்தட்ட 3000 கிமீ தாண்டி பயணப்பட்டு திரும்பி வந்தடைந்தோம்.சென்னை - காசி, காசி - சென்னை விமான பயணமாக இருந்ததால் பயண நாட்கள் குறைந்து போயின.இனி அடிக்கடி காசி மற்றும் அயோத்தி போக வேண்டும் என்ற எண்ணம் வருகின்றது.

நேரமின்மையால் காசி மற்றும் அயோத்தியில் சில இடங்களை சுற்றி பார்க்க இயலவில்லை.சியாம் சுந்தர் மற்றும் விஜய் சுந்தர் யாரேனும் ஒருவர் வந்திருந்தால் ஃபோட்டோ நல்ல முறையில் எடுத்திருப்போம் .

யாத்திரை சுகமாக நிறைவுபெற்றது. எல்லாம் அவன் செயல் 

ஓம் நமசிவாய !

Jai Shri Ram!

காசி யாத்திரை 5ம் நாள்


காசியில் காலை உணவு அருந்திவிட்டு வேன் மூலம் பிரயாக்ராஜ் சென்று படகு மூலம் திரிவேணி சங்கமம் அடைந்து ஆற்றில் குளித்து சுமங்கலி பூஜை மற்றும் பூமுடி கொடுத்து வந்தோம். பூஜை செய்த பண்டிட் ஆயிரம் ரூபாய் வாங்கி கொண்டு டிப்ஸ் வேறு (தட்சினை) பெற்றுக்கொண்டார். படகு ஓட்டி, ஆற்றில் குளிக்க ஏற்றி இறக்கி விட்டவர்களும் டிப்ஸ் பெற்றுக் கொண்டனர்.  பின்னர் அனுமன் கோவிலுக்கும் , (பொள்ளாச்சி மாசாணி அம்மன் படுத்து இருப்பது போல் அனுமன் சயனத்தில் இருந்தார்)அலோப சங்கரி பீடத்தில் (பீடத்தின் பெயர் தமிழில் இருந்தது)தரிசனம் முடித்து கொண்டு அயோத்தி சென்று அடைய இரவு பத்து மணி ஆகிவிட்டது.  ராம ஜென்ம பூமியில் Hotel bedis dreamland என்ற தங்கும் விடுதிக்கு சென்று இரவு உணவு அருந்தி மறுநாள் ராமரை தரிசித்து காசி புறப்பட்டு ஊர் திரும்ப வேண்டி இருந்ததால் பாக்கிங் செய்து உறங்கச் செல்ல இரவு 12 மணி ஆகிவிட்டது 

Jai Sri Ram !

காசி யாத்திரை... மூன்றாம் நாள்


காசியில் காலை குளித்து காலை உணவு உண்டபின் புதிய வழிகாட்டி சிவம் என்பவருடன் குளிர்சாதன வேனில் புத்தகயா புறப்பட்டோம்.

மதிய உணவு ரிலையன்ஸ் பெட்ரோல் பங்க் அருகில் இருந்த ஹோட்டலில் உண்டபின் பயணம் தொடர்ந்தோம். புத்த கயா சென்றடைய மாலை நேரம் ஆகிவிட்டது. புத்த கயாவில் புத்தர் சிலை மற்றும் புத்தர் கோயில்களை பார்த்த பின்னர் புத்தர் ஞானம் பெற்ற போதிமரம் பார்த்தோம். புட்டபர்த்தி சென்ற உணர்வு ஏற்பட்டது. போதி மரத்திற்கு அடுத்து இருந்த ஜெகன்னாதர் ஆலயம்  சென்று வழிபட்ட பின்னர் புத்த கயா ரெஜன்சி என்ற தங்கும் விடுதிக்கு சென்றோம். விடுதி நிர்வாகத்தினரால் அனைவருக்கும் சிறப்பான வரவேற்பு அளிக்கப்பட்டது. இத்தகைய வரவேற்பினை வீடியோ எடுத்திருக்க வேண்டும். தவறிவிட்டது குறையே. இக்குறையை டிராவல்ஸ் 

நிறுவனத்தினரிடம் தெரிவிக்கவேண்டும்.

இரவு உணவருந்தி தூங்க கிளம்பி விட்டோம்.

நான்காம் நாள்..12.09.24

கயா மற்றும் காசி 

காசியில் கங்கா ஆரத்தி மற்றும் காலபைரவர் கோவில் செல்ல இயலாததால் கயாவில் திதி முடித்து விஷ்ணுபாத கோவிலை தரிசித்த பின் வேன் மூலம் காசி புறப்பட்டு மாலையில் காசியில் உள்ள ஹசி காட்டிற்கு சென்று கங்கா ஆரத்தி கண்டு களித்தோம். ஆரத்திக்கு முன் மந்திரம் சொல்லப்பட்டது பெருமாள் மற்றும் கிருஷ்ணர் பாடல்களும் பாடப்பட்டது. ஆரத்திக்கு முன் அவரவர் கோத்திரம் நட்சத்திரம் பெயர் சொல்லி பிரார்த்தனை செய்து கொள்ளுமாறு கேட்டுக் கொண்டார்கள்..சாய்பிரசாத் பெயர் நட்சத்திரம் சொல்லியும் பிரார்த்தனை செய்து கொண்டேன். ஆரத்தி நடக்கும் சமயம் கங்கை ஆற்றில் விளக்குகள் மின்ன படகுகள் சென்ற காட்சி கண்ணுக்கு விருந்தாக இருந்தது. ஆரத்தி நிகழ்ச்சிகள் அருமையாகவும் பக்திபரவசம் ஊட்டுவதாகவும் இருந்தது.  பின்னர் ஆட்டோவில் பயணித்து சின்னஞ் சிறு வீதியின் வழியாக நடந்து சென்று கால பைரவரை தரிசித்த பின் விடுதிக்கு சென்று இட்லி மற்றும் தோசை உண்டபின் உறங்கச் சென்றோம் .

காசி யாத்திரை - இரண்டாம் நாள்


காசியில் காலை சிவாலய படித்துறைக்கு சென்று ஸ்னானம் செய்த பின் கங்கை ஆற்றில் படகு சவாரி செய்து கொண்டே அனைத்து படித்துறைகளையும்  கண்டு களித்தோம்.  பின்னர் தங்கியிருந்த ஹோட்டலுக்கு சென்று  காலை உணவை முடித்துக் கொண்டு காசி விஸ்வநாதரை தரிசனம் செய்ய புறப்பட்டோம். ஸ்பெஷல் தரிசன டிக்கெட் வாங்கி கொண்டு காசிநாதரை தரிசித்து அருளாசி பெற்றபின் கோவிலுக்குள் இருந்த உடுப்பி டு மும்பை என்ற உணவகத்தில் மதிய உணவு அருந்திவிட்டு காசி விசாலாட்சி கோவிலுக்கு சென்று அம்மனை தரிசித்து பின் செட்டியார் கடை மற்றும் அருகில் இருந்த பரிமளா சேலை கடையில் ஷாப்பிங் செய்து அறைக்கு திரும்பி துர்கா கோயில், துளசி மானஸ் கோயிலுக்கு சென்று தரிசனம் செய்தோம். தரிசனத்திற்கு பின் ஆட்டோவில் ஏறி ஹசிகாட் அடைந்த போது  கங்கா ஆரத்தி முடிந்து மக்கள் திரும்பி வந்து கொண்டிருந்தனர்.  அன்னபூரணி கோவில்,காலபைரவர் கோவில்,சங்கட்மோட்சன்,பிர்லா மந்திர் போன்ற கோவில்கள் பார்க்க இயலவில்லை. அன்று எங்களுக்கு வழிகாட்டியாக இருந்த நபரின் தவறான வழிகாட்டுதலால் இந்த தவறு நடந்து விட்டதை டிராவலரிடம் தெரிவித்த பின் வேறொரு வழிகாட்டியை நியமிப்பதாக தெரிவித்தார்கள். மேலும் புத்த கயா, கயாவை மறுநாள் சுற்றி பார்த்தபின் காசியில் ஆரத்தி மற்றும் காலபைரவர் கோவிலுக்கு செல்லலாம் என உறுதி அளித்தனர்.  இரவு அவரவர் அறையில் ஓய்வெடுக்க சென்றோம். காசியில் தெருக்கள் மிக குறுகியதாகவும் அந்த குறுகிய சந்திலும் இரண்டு சக்கர வாகனங்களை இவ்வூர் மக்கள் ஓட்டிக் கொண்டு வருவது எரிச்சலாக இருந்தாலும் புதிய அனுபவமாக இருந்தது.

ஓம் நமசிவாய !

காசி யாத்திரை..முதல் நாள்


காலை 6.45 மணிக்கு மதுரை இரயில் நிலையம் சென்றடைந்தோம்.  வந்தே பாரத் வரும் நேரம் 7.40 என்றாலும் லக்கேஜ் மற்றும் பெரியவர்கள் இருந்ததாலும் வண்டி ஐந்து நிமிடம் மட்டுமே நிற்கும் என்பதால் முன் கூட்டியே சென்றோம். லக்கேஜ்களை போர்ட்டர் உதவியுடன் வண்டியில் ஏற்றி விட்டு நிம்மதியாக அமர்ந்தோம். காலை டிபன் ரவை கேசரி, உப்புமா மற்றும் தேநீர் வழங்கினார்கள். மதிய உணவாக சப்பாத்தி, சிறிது அரிசி சாதமும் வழங்கினார்கள். பின்னர் டாக்ஸி பிடித்து கொண்டு  மீனம்பாக்கம் விமான நிலையம் சென்று இரவு காசி சென்றடைந்தோம். டிராவல்ஸ் வேன் மூலம் அவர்கள் ஏற்பாடு செய்திருந்த ஹோட்டல் சென்று அவரவர் அறைக்கு சென்று உறங்க சென்றுவிட்டோம். தேஜஸ் வண்டியில் பயணம் செய்திருந்தாலும் வந்தே பாரத் வண்டியில் பயணித்தது முதல் முறையாகும்.விமானப் பயணமும் முதல் முறையாகும். எவ்வித பயண அலுப்பும் தெரியவில்லை.

ஓம் நமசிவாய !

When you reduce worldly desires, spiritual desires will increase.

 On one occasion, when Radha was travelling to Mathura in the evening, she was alone. All the other Gopikas who saw this started following her. By the time she reached Yamuna, it became dark. The Gopikas cautioned Radha and said that she should not go to Mathura in the darkness; but if she had to go, they would accompany her. With the feeling that Brindavan belongs to all and Govinda also belongs to all, she agreed to take them along. They took turns in rowing the boat so that no single individual got tired. Although they were rowing all night, they did not reach Mathura. As the day dawned, residents of Gokulam were coming to the river. The boat had been rowed all night but they found that they were still near Gokulam. They found that they had not removed the rope which tied the boat to the post at the bank. In spite of the fact that the boat was being rowed, and in spite of the fact that water was there, and they had the strength to move the boat, the boat did not move at all. In the same manner, without removing the bondage in regard to our senses and organs, we will not be able to move forward at all.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

How should we stay firm on our faith, even as we respect that of others?

 The Lord cares for ekagrata and chitta-shuddhi (concentration and purity of mind). You need not feel that you are physically away from Him. He has no 'near' and 'far'. Provided the address is clear and correct, your letter will be delivered, be it to the next street or to Calcutta or Bombay for the same stamp. Smarana (remembering) is the stamp; manana (recapitulation) is the address. Have the Name for smarana; the Form for manana, that is enough. Select one Name and one Form but do not talk ill of other names and forms. Follow the lead of a woman living in a joint family; she respects and serves the elders of the family such as the father-in-law, his brothers and her own brother-in-law, but her heart is dedicated to her husband, whom she loves and reveres in a special manner. If you carp at the faith of others, your devotion is fake. If you are sincere, you will appreciate the sincerity of others. You see faults in others because you yourself have those faults, not otherwise!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Why is the culturing and the disciplining of the mind more important than that of the external?

 Valmiki, by meditating on the glory of Rama, was able to mould himself into the immortal poet who composed the Ramayana. He became an embodiment of that glory, and therefore, he could create that great epic. When we decide on writing a letter, we gather in our minds the facts to be communicated, the manner in which it has to be written, and then, we start writing it. When we decide on building a house, we build it first in our minds - the drawing room here, the dining hall there, the kitchen at this end, etc., and then, draw the plan on paper. What we do is to project an ideal into action, into a concrete program. The external action or achievement is only a reflection of the Inner Being, which frames the ideas and concepts. So, the transformation and refinement have to be done in the inner region of the mind. Constant reflection on the glory of God helps to transmute the body, mind and spirit.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, October 25, 2024

What must we do to ensure success in this spiritual journey?

 In a piece of cloth, when the threads are taken out, only the cotton remains and if the cotton is burnt the cloth ceases to exist. Similarly, when desires are eliminated, the "I" and the Mind will go. It has been said that the destruction of the mind is the means to the realisation of the Divine. The cessation of the mind can be brought about by the gradual elimination of desires, like the removal of threads from a cloth. Finally, the desires have to be consumed in the fire of Vairagya (detachment). Look upon life as one long railway journey. In this journey, it is not good to carry heavy luggage. There are stations on the way like Arti (suffering), Artharti (desire for objects), Jignasu (yearning for understanding) and Jnani (Self-realisation). The lesser the luggage one carries, the more easily and quickly one can get through various stages and reach the destination. The primary requisite, therefore, is the eradication of desires.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

 All divine personalities make their advent for some definite purposes. They will not deviate from them in any circumstance. Swami's Prematatva (essential nature of Love) is of the same character. Swami's love has no trace of self-interest in it. It is absolutely pure. Swami knows only how to give, not how to receive. Swami's hand is held above for conferring something, not stretched for seeking anything. Moreover, once Swami has declared, "You are Mine", whatever wrong ways they may pursue, Swami will not abandon them. When I have given a word to anyone, even if they turn against Me I will not bear any ill-will towards them. Even if they revile Me, I shall continue to love them. I will stand up to My pledge right up to the end. Some day they will return to the right path. Owing to the compulsion of circumstances some changes may take place. They are not permanent. I will not change My course because of such happenings. This is My second resolve. The third resolve is: When I undertake anything because I feel it is for the welfare of all and that it is good for society as a whole, I will not give it up, come what may. Even if the whole world is against Me, I will not turn back, I will only go forward.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

 If only time is well used, the ignorant (pamara) can become an ascetic of the highest order (a Paramahamsa) and that ascetic can also be transfused into the Universal Substance and Substratum (Paramatma). Just as a fish can live only when it is immersed in water, when it feels the element all around it, so too the human being is an animal that can live only when immersed in bliss (ananda). One must have bliss not only at home, in society, and in the world, but more than all, in the heart. As a matter of fact, bliss in the heart produces bliss everywhere. The heart is the spring of joy. That spring must be touched by constant meditation, recitation of God’s name, and the intermittent dwelling on the glory, the grace, and the inexhaustible manifestations of the Lord. Hold fast to the goal; the devotee should never turn back. Never give way to doubt or despair.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

 We know that of all the animals in this world, to take birth as a human being is very difficult. Having attained this difficult human birth, we should not behave, at any time, like an animal. Think and take note of this aspect. The reason for this is mainly the kind of food we eat. The kind of food we take determines the behaviour we develop. If a tiger enters a herd of cows, then the cows cannot survive and live. So also, as in that analogy, in the heart of man, there are good and satwic qualities comparable to the qualities of a cow. If into that group of good qualities, we send in food represented by the rajasic qualities of a tiger, it is impossible for the good to survive. Similarly, if you put seeds in a land which is not fertile, the seeds are not going to sprout! So also in a man with rajasic qualities in his heart, satwic qualities like worshipfulness or compassion cannot thrive. It therefore becomes necessary for man to do things by which the field of his heart can be purified and cleansed.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

 Among the five senses of perception, the eyes are endowed with immense power. They have 40 lakhs of light rays in them. Today man is putting his senses to misuse and as a result, his body is becoming weaker day by day. His life span is being reduced by his unsacred vision and the sensual pleasures that he is indulging in. Lakhs of light rays in his eyes are being destroyed because of his unsacred vision. That is the reason man is developing eye defects. Today many people undergo cataract operations to set their vision right. The doctors may say that man develops eye defects because of the cataract, but in fact, it is the result of unsacred vision. So, one should have proper control over one’s vision. Whatever the spiritual practices that one may undertake, one cannot derive their benefit without having control over one’s vision. All the Sadhanas like japa, tapa and dhyana confer only temporary satisfaction. These practices cannot help you to have control over your vision. In fact, the entire srushti (creation) is based on your drishti (vision). The netras (eyes) are verily the shastras (sacred texts).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

 Practise renunciation from now on, so that you may set out on the journey when the call comes, you don't know when. Or else at that moment, you will be in tears, when you think of the house you have built, the property you have accumulated, the fame you have amassed, the trifles you have won. Know that all this is for the fleeting moment: develop attachment for the Lord, who will be with you wherever you go. Only the years that you have lived with the Lord have to be counted as life; the rest are all out of count. An old grandfather of seventy was asked by his seven-year-old grandchild, "Grandpa! How old are you?" and the old man replied, "Two!" The child was struck with wonder and looked like a picture of doubt. The old man replied, "I have spent only the last two years in the company of the Lord, until then I was plunged in the marshland of pleasure-seeking."

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Where should the quest for God lead us?

 Embodiments of the Divine Atma! From ancient times, the questions, "Where is God?" and "How does He appear?" have been agitating the minds of people. The answers have been sought by different ways of investigation. The believers, non-believers, those with doubts and others have not been able to get clear answers to these questions. To comprehend the truth, one should look within oneself. This cannot be learnt from textbooks or from teachers. Chaitanya (Consciousness) is there in the mind and pervades everywhere. The power of vision in the eye and of taste in the tongue is derived from this Chaitanya. People are using the sense organs but do not know the source of the power which activates them. Chaitanya cannot be comprehended by the physical vision. It is within everyone in very close proximity. People undertake external exercises and spiritual practices in vain to find it. The entire Creation is a manifestation of the Divine Will. Prakriti (Nature) is the manifestation of God. Man is also part of Prakriti and thus has the Divine power in him.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

What are the important instructions that teachers should give their pupils?

 Teachers! Teach your young pupils the ideals of Bharat's great sages, heroes and heroines, who upheld the highest virtues and set an example to the world. They should be taught to behave as ideal sons like Shravanakumar. One good son can redeem a whole family. Ekalavya exemplifies supreme devotion to the Guru. Prahlada should be held out as the supreme example of total faith in God. Teachers should instil such devotion to God in the young. In the name of secularism, governments should not interfere with the practice of their respective religions by the citizens. No one should criticize the creed of others. The Divinity that is adored by all religions is one and the same, though different names may be used. In the name of religion, violent conflicts should not be encouraged. Children should be taught to respect all religions. Teachers should also make children realise the true purpose of education. Education should be a preparation for righteous living and not for earning money. Good qualities are more valuable than money.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

How can we say that the creation has the same nature as the Creator?

 The Divine is Full; Creation is Full; even when Creation happened and the Cosmos appeared to be produced from the Divine, there was no diminution in the Fullness of the Full. You go to the bazaar to purchase a kilogram of jaggery. The keeper of the shop brings from his store a big lump, and he slices off a portion, weighing about a kilogram; he then weighs it and gives us in return for the price amount, one kilogram of jaggery. We sample a piece from the big lump and we expect the portion to behave as sweetly as the original lump. We go home and take a little to prepare the sweet drink called panakam. The panakam is sweet; the kilogram of jaggery and the mother lump - all are equally sweet. Fullness is the quality of the Divine; it is found in part or portion or in half or whole. Quantity is not the criterion; quality is. In the visible world that has been taken from the substance of the Divine, this quality is found equally full. We shall not consider the world as anything less than God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Ganapati is one who gives us spiritual potency and endows us with supreme intelligence.

 Parvati tanaya Ganadhipa! (Oh son of Parvati, the Lord of the Ganas!). In these terms the Vedas extolled Ganapati.  Who are these Ganas? Are they celestial hosts or Asuras (demonic beings)? They are celestial beings. Where are they? Are they wandering in the external world or are they present subtly in human beings? He is called Ganadhipati because he is the Supreme Lord of the Ganas. The Ganas are the embodiments of the Jnanedriyas (organs of perception) and of Karmendriyas (organs of action). The mind is the master of these ten senses. The presiding deity of the mind is called Indra as he is the Lord of the Indriyas (the senses). The master over the mind is the Buddhi (intellect). What does the name 'Ganapati' signify? 'Ga' means Buddhi (or intellect), 'Na' means Vijnana (wisdom). As Vighneshvara is the Lord of the intellect and wisdom, He is called Ganapati. It follows from this that what are called ganas are parts of the human body.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

What is the purpose behind the worship of idols as the representation of Divinity?

 You may install idols and worship them. But do not forget the inner significance of all worship. All external activities are necessary only to help you get into the spirit of non-duality and experience unity in diversity. Love and sacrifice are very important. Where there is pure, unsullied, selfless, sacred and sublime love there is no fear at all. Giving and not getting is the underlying principle of spiritual sadhana. Your heart is full of love, but you are using it only for selfish purposes instead of diverting it towards God. God is in the heart and not in the head. The heart is Prema-mayam (full of love). On these festival days, you should remember that God is one, and all religions uphold the same principle of "One God, who is omnipresent." You should not have contempt for any religion, as each is a pathway to God. Fostering love towards your fellow beings, receive the noble love of the Divine. This is the goal of life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

On the auspicious occasion of Navaratri, why should we begin worship and adoration at home first?

 The life of a man who cannot respect and love his own mother is utterly useless. Recognising one's mother as the very embodiment of all divine forces, one must show reverence to her and treat her with love. This is the true message that the Navaratri, the nine-night festival gives us. The supreme Shakti manifests herself in the form of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Durga grants us energy - physical, mental and spiritual. Lakshmi bestows on us wealth of many kinds - not just money but intellectual wealth, the wealth of character and others. Even health is a kind of wealth. She grants untold riches to us. And Saraswati bestows on us intelligence, the capacity for intellectual enquiry and the power of discrimination. The Navaratri festival is celebrated to proclaim to the world the power of the goddesses. One's own mother is the combination of all these Divine Beings. She provides us energy, wealth and intelligence. She constantly desires our advancement in life. So she represents all the three goddesses that we worship during the Navaratri festival.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

As we adore the three deities Durga-Lakshmi-Saraswati, what is the truth about them we must ever bear in our mind?

 The significance of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati must be rightly understood. These three represent three kinds of potencies in man. Ichcha Shakti (Will power), Kriya Shakti (power of action), and Jnana Shakti (power of discrimination). Saraswati is manifest in man as the power of Vak (speech). Durga is present in the form of dynamism, the power of action. Lakshmi is manifest in the form of Will power. The body indicates Kriya Shakti. The mind is the repository of Ichchaa Shakti. The Atma is Jnana Shakti. Kriya Shakti comes from the body, which is material. The power that activates the body that is inert and makes it vibrant is Ichchaa Shakti. The power that induces the vibrations of Ichchaa Shakti is Jnana Shakti, which causes radiation (of energy). These three potencies are represented by the mantra: "Om Bhur-Bhuvah-Suvah." Bhur represents Bhuloka (Earth). Bhuvah represents the Life force (also known as Conscience in man), Suvah represents the power of radiation. All these three are present in you. Thus, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati dwell in your human heart!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

On the most auspicious and sacred festival of Vijayadasami, what should we pray and yearn for?

 Fill your heart with sweetness. Do not avoid those who need your help, on the contrary always wait for an opportunity to serve. This spirit of sacrifice (tyaga bhava) can alone confer on you true happiness (bhoga). Today we are celebrating the sacred festival of Vijayadasami. People perform various rituals during the nine days of the Navaratri festival. We should hope and pray that every day of our life should be as sacred as these nine days. Let us all move together, let us all grow together, let us all stay united and share our knowledge, let us live together with friendship and without disharmony. Live in unity, make proper use of your intelligence, and give happiness to your parents. When you lead your lives in this manner, every day will be a day of festivity and celebration. The whole world will rejoice. I wish that you put into practice all that you have learnt during these nine days.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Where can we find the manifestations of the Divine Mother in our daily lives?

 Maternal love is akin to that of the Creator who projects and protects this infinite cosmos in countless ways. There are several notable examples in daily life of the divine quality which motherhood represents. The cow converts its own blood into nourishing milk for man to sustain his body. The cow is the first example of the Divine as Mother. Like the Divine, the Earth bears man in her bosom and takes care of him in many ways. Hence the Earth also is the embodiment of the Mother. In the human body, the Divine flows through all the limbs as rasa (essence) and sustains them. This Divine principle is called Rasaswaroopini (Embodiment of Divine Essence). These Divine principles that permeate and sustain the physical body should also be worshipped as mother goddesses. Then there are the great sages who investigated matters relating to good and evil, right and wrong, what elevates man or degrades him, and as a result of their labours and penances, gave kind the great scriptures, indicating the spiritual and mundane paths and how humanity can redeem its existence. These sages have also to be revered as Divine Mothers.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

During holy periods like the Navaratri, people take up the reading of scriptures. What is the true fulfilment of this Sadhana?

 All education today is related to the physical world. It will not serve to reveal the Divine. It was this which impelled Shankaracharya to teach a pandit who was learning by rote Panini's grammar that at the moment of death, only the Lord's name will save him and not the rules of grammar. Though this teaching has been propagated for centuries, very few practise it. Many read the Ramayana as a daily ritual. But how many carry out the commands of their fathers? How many practise the virtue of fraternal affection and love proclaimed in the Ramayana? Is there anyone standing for the gospel of Dharma as upheld by Sri Rama? Of what use is it endlessly to listen to discourses without putting anything into practice? The Gita is being read and expounded all the time. Is a single precept from it being put into practice? Not at all. The Gita shows the path to God realisation. But simply reciting the Gita is valueless. Follow the Gita and tread the path indicated by it. Only then you will reap the reward.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

How is prayer and meditation connected with love?

 If you have steady and resolute love, concentration becomes intense and unshakeable. Faith develops into love, and love results in concentration. Prayer begins to yield fruit under such conditions. Pray using the Name as a symbol of the Lord. Pray keeping all the waves of the mind stilled. Pray as the performance of a duty for your very real existence, as the only justification for your coming into the world as a human. ‘Mine’ and ‘yours’ — these attitudes are only for identification. They are not real; they are temporary. ‘His’ — that is the truth, the eternal. It is like the headmaster of a school being in temporary charge of the furniture of the school. He must hand over the items when he is transferred or retired. Treat all things with which you are endowed, just as the headmaster treats the furniture. Be always aware that the final checking-up is imminent. Wait for that moment with joy. Be ready for that event. Have your accounts up to date and the balance already calculated to be handed over. Treat all things entrusted to you with care and diligence.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

What is the nature of Sai and how is it unique?

 Anxiety, grief and unrest cannot approach Sai, not even as near as millions of miles. Believe it or not, Sai does not have the slightest experience of anxiety, for Sai is ever aware of the formation and transformation of objects and the antics of time and space and of the incidents therein. Those who have no knowledge of these and those who are affected by circumstances are affected by sorrow. Those who are caught in the coils of time and space become the victims of grief. Though Sai is involved in events conditioned by time and space, Sai is ever established in the principle that is beyond both time and space. Sai is not conditioned by time, place or circumstance. Therefore, you must all recognise the uniqueness of the Will of Sai, the Sai Sankalpa. Know that this Sankalpa is Vajrasankalpa - it is irresistible Will. You may ignore its expression as weak and insignificant but, once the will is formed, whatever else undergoes change, it cannot change.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba


How should we pray to ensure that our prayers are heard?

 When you surrender yourself to God's Will, He will take care of you. Do not develop a superiority complex. Give up ego and pomp. Pray silently and sincerely. If your prayers are not answered, you can certainly question Me. God is not confined to a place somewhere in a distant corner. He always resides in your heart. He can accomplish anything. He is ever ready to perform any task, be it big or small for the sake of His devotees. All are His children. Hence, He will certainly answer your prayers. Embodiments of Love! Love is the quintessence of Swami's discourses. His love is power. There is nothing greater than love. When you develop love, you can face the challenges of life with ease and emerge victorious. God will always be with you, in you, and around you and will take care of you. Any mighty task can be accomplished through prayer. However, your prayers should be sincere. There should be unity of thought, word, and deed. Develop firm faith that Swami is in you and that He always listens to your prayers. If you think that Swami is outside, how will your prayers reach Him?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

How did the One Supreme become all this diversity that we perceive?

 By their penance, meditation and intuition, ancient sages recognised two things: One is Akshara (the alphabet) and the other is Sankhya (numbers). In the alphabet, the primal letter is ‘Om’. All other letters have emerged from the Pranava (Om). ‘Om’ is the first letter among all letters. It comprehends within itself all other letters of the alphabet. During bhajans, when the harmonium is played, the bellows are pressed and the reeds are manipulated, we have the musical notes, ‘Sa, ri, ga, ma, pa, da, ni’. What is the source of these seven notes? It is the same air that produces the notes. That air is filled with Omkara. And it is that ‘Om’ which produces the separate notes. Likewise, among numbers, we start with one and go to nine, ten, etc.. In all the numbers, ‘one’ is the primary number. All the other numbers are multiple variations of one. If you take away one from nine you have eight. If you add one to eight, it becomes nine. What comes and goes is one alone. What remains is also one. From this, the sages inferred that the beginning and the end are One, which is the Divine. They declared that this One is the beejam (seed) of the cosmos.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

What is more beautiful than physical beauty and more valuable than any worldly possession?

 A person may have outstanding physical beauty, may have the sparkle of robust youth, may boast of a high noble lineage, and maybe a famed scholar. But if the person lacks the virtues that spiritual discipline can ensure, the person is to be reckoned only as a beautiful flower with no fragrance. When quite young, Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi witnessed along with his mother a drama on Sravana and his devotion to his parents, and he resolved that he must also become Sravana. He witnessed a play on Harischandra, and it impressed him so deeply that he resolved to become as heroically devoted to virtue as Harischandra himself. These transformed him so much that he became a great soul (mahatma). Gandhi had a teacher who taught him the wrong paths. But Gandhi did not adopt his advice. As a consequence, he was able to bring freedom to the country. In this land of Bharat, there are thousands and thousands of prospective great souls. The examples we have to hold before them are the men and women who have learned and practised spiritual education (Atma-vidya).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

What is the real significance behind the Dasara festival?

 The celebration of the Dasara festival is meant to purify actions performed by the dasendriyas (5 senses of action and 5 senses of perception). Every human being in this world must perform some kind of karma (action). The presiding deity or the driving force behind these actions is Devi (also called Durga), who is the personification of energy. She is the bestower of all kinds of energy to perform various karma by the human beings. Goddess Lakshmi bestows various kinds of wealth like money, food grains, gold, different kinds of objects, vehicles for movement, etc., to human beings so that they lead a happy life in this world. The third facet of the divine female principle is Saraswati, the goddess of learning and intellect. Thus, the Trinity of Durga (goddess of energy), Lakshmi (goddess of wealth) and Saraswati (goddess of learning and intellect) are worshipped during this festival of Dasara. This is the principle of worshipping the Trinity of Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswathi during this 9-day (Navaratri) festival. It is essential that people worship all these three facets of the divine Principle.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Why is it important to show our gratitude to Nature?

 Mountains help man to build houses by using stone slabs quarried from them. Trees provide the timber for constructing houses and also firewood for domestic use. Among animate beings, every creature, from an ant to an elephant, is of assistance to man in one way or another. Cows provide nourishing milk to man. Bullocks are useful for ploughing the fields and helping to grow food crops. All other creatures like birds, fish, sheep and others are serving man in different ways. Seen in this light it will be clear that all things in creation are helpful to man in leading his life. ​​Thus man is deriving innumerable debt from Nature. But what is the gratitude he is showing to Nature? What gratitude is he offering to the Divine? He is forgetting the Divine who is the provider of everything. That is the reason for his becoming a prey to various difficulties and calamities. While he is receiving countless gifts from Providence, he is offering nothing in return to Nature or God. When we are enjoined to return good for evil, how unbecoming is it to fail even to return good for good?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

What is our only permanent asset and how can we preserve it?

 Everything is subject to change and decay in this world. Whether it be physical objects or individuals, all are transient and impermanent. Nothing is lasting. Only your purity is permanent. Purity is the essential nature of man. But if man leads a polluted life, he is degrading himself. Man's purity is manifest when human relations are based on heart-to-heart and love-to-love. Love has the form of a triangle with three arms. Prema (divine love) does not seek any return. Where an individual offers love in expectation of a return, fear overtakes him. The one who loves with no expectation of any return is totally free from fear. Love knows only to give, not to receive. Such a love is free from fear. For true love, love is its own reward. Thus, love seeks no return, is free from fear and is its own reward. These are the basic features of true love. Love today is based on desire for a return benefit. It is filled with fear and anxiety. Thus love is motivated. When love is based on a desire for transient and perishable objects, life will be futile. Love must be its own reward.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

This Puja, this Yajna, and this Homa are arranged here every Dasara in order to help you learn that other, ever-lasting, abstract Yajna, which every one of you has to do to save yourselves from fear, grief and anxiety.

 You must perform another Yajna every day. Pour the egoistic desires and emotions, passions, impulses and acts into the flames of dedication and devotion. In fact, that is real Yajna, of which these are reflections and prompters, guides and prototypes. This yajna is only the concrete symbolic representation of the abstract underlying Truth. Just as a child is taught to pronounce the words - head, net, wave, garland, and so on by making it associate the sounds and the letterforms with pictures of the objects so named, through this kshara (temporary) symbol the Akshara tatwa (the Eternal Principle) is brought before the consciousness. This Puja, this Yajna, and this Homa are arranged here every Dasara in order to help you learn that other, ever-lasting, abstract Yajna, which every one of you has to do to save yourselves from fear, grief and anxiety.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Yajna should not be performed for attaining selfish ends. It should be performed for the welfare of the entire world.

 Do not think that the Yajna is only the ceremony performed in this enclosure, marked out as specially holy, attended by readings and recitals from sacred texts and the chanting of Vedic hymns, and nothing other than this. No. Yajna is a continuous process; everyone who lives in the constant presence of God, and does all acts as dedicated to God is engaged in Yajna. Three processes go together in spiritual discipline, as laid down by the sages: Yajna, Dana and Tapas (Sacrifice, Charity and Self-control). They cannot be partitioned and particularised thus. Charity and self-control are integral parts of Yajna. That is why Yajna is translated as sacrifice, for, the process of charity or Dana is essential in Yajna. So is Tapas, that is to say, strict regulation of emotions and thought processes, to ensure peace and faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Objective possessions and subjective desires, both are handicaps in the race for realisation.

 Resolve this day to cleanse the mind of impurities so that you can imbibe the inspiration! Aspirants for mental peace must reduce the luggage they have to care for; the more the luggage, the greater the bother. Objective possessions and subjective desires, both are handicaps in the race for realisation. A house cluttered with lumber will be dark and dusty, and without free movement of fresh air, it will be stuffy and suffocating. The human body too is a house; do not allow it to be cluttered with curios, trinkets, trash, and superfluous furnishings. Let the breeze of holiness blow as it wills through it; let not the darkness of blind ignorance desecrate it. Life is a bridge over the sea of change; pass over it, but do not build a house on it. Hoist the Prasanthi Flag, on the temple, that is your heart. Follow the prescription it teaches - subdue the six enemies that undermine natural bliss in man, ascend the Yoga stage when agitations are stilled and allow the splendour of the Divinity within to shine forth, embracing all, at all times!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Offer yourself to God; then God will grant you jewels of limitless bliss.

 The words ‘yajna’ and ‘yaga’ are both translated as sacrifice; that is their primary purpose! You sacrifice riches, comfort, and power (all that promotes ego) and merge in the Infinite. That is the attainment and the end. Yajnas are useful because they support the ideal of sacrifice, and condemn acquisition. They emphasise discipline, rather than distraction. They insist on the concentration of the mind, tongue and hands on Godhead. Cynics count the bags of grain, kilograms of ghee, and hundredweights of fuel, and ask for more bags and kilograms and hundredweights of contentment and happiness in return! The effects of yajna on the character and consciousness cannot be measured or weighed in metres or grams. It is something immeasurable, though actual and experienceable. Moreover, cynics do not calculate the ghee, grain, and fuel they themselves have consumed, with no compensating joy! The grain and ghee offered in the sacred fire to the accompaniment of Vedic formulae give returns, thousandfold; they will cleanse and strengthen the atmosphere all over the world! Otherwise, the Avatar will not encourage or revive these Yajnas!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba