
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

How did the One Supreme become all this diversity that we perceive?

 By their penance, meditation and intuition, ancient sages recognised two things: One is Akshara (the alphabet) and the other is Sankhya (numbers). In the alphabet, the primal letter is ‘Om’. All other letters have emerged from the Pranava (Om). ‘Om’ is the first letter among all letters. It comprehends within itself all other letters of the alphabet. During bhajans, when the harmonium is played, the bellows are pressed and the reeds are manipulated, we have the musical notes, ‘Sa, ri, ga, ma, pa, da, ni’. What is the source of these seven notes? It is the same air that produces the notes. That air is filled with Omkara. And it is that ‘Om’ which produces the separate notes. Likewise, among numbers, we start with one and go to nine, ten, etc.. In all the numbers, ‘one’ is the primary number. All the other numbers are multiple variations of one. If you take away one from nine you have eight. If you add one to eight, it becomes nine. What comes and goes is one alone. What remains is also one. From this, the sages inferred that the beginning and the end are One, which is the Divine. They declared that this One is the beejam (seed) of the cosmos.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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